
主题:【原创】一些凌乱的想法,想到哪说到哪 -- puma2011

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        • 家园 Chinese elites


          Really? so do you find those over-confidient Chinese elites more offensive than the servile Chinese elites back in the 80s-90s?

          I can not bear the Chinese elites in the 80s-90s,

          They certainly have excellent language skills and thorough understanding of western culture.

          But they do not have the backbone to make a decent human.

          are you one of them? haha

          • 家园 80,90年代那些不算elite


            80,90年代是神仙打架,与这些文人的本身能力素质甚至政治观点都没有决定性的关系,你对着他们较劲根本是bark up the wrong tree.


        • 家园 小心美国玩英国人那一手



          • 家园 UK has been a successful

            global player in GLOBAL politics for 300 years. Just like Roman elites 2000 years ago, UK elites played nations like masters played chess.

            Before Chinese, there were Spanish empire, Sweden, France, Germany, Turkish empire, all mid-east tribes, all Indian kings/khans, Russian empire, etc. All defeated by UK one by one along the path of history. As an overseas Chinese, I was still impressed by the awe enjoyed by the Flag Jack in Latin America, India-Pakistan and mid-east. English elites learned to convert its disadvantage as a multi-ethnic nation (scots, celtic, Welsh, etc) into a great advantage: expertise in managing a multi-cultural empire.

            Chinese elites, in the past 300 years, have barely stepped out of their own national boundary. The troubling sign is that decades after 1949, Han Chinese ruling elites (不如满族统治者)still could not handle two minority regions: Tibet and Xingjiang. Out of the national boundary, I can barely see diplomatic success of Chinese Han elites in Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia, Burma, Thailand (look at what happened to the recent pro-China Thai PM), Laos, Cambodia, or in Afganistan, or other mid-Asia muslim nations. One failure after another.

            I hope I can have confidence just like 五毛们 on this forum. But bloody cold facts do not help at all. 五毛们嘴巴硬有屁用。

            • 家园 UK


              Your eulogy of British empire is embarrassing, even for the most avid imperial apologist.

              Your grand linear theory of British triumphalism is rather fictitious, any serious British historian would readily concede that Britain acquired its empire by an “ absence of mind”. British elites DID NOT understand how the empire worked. A historical event vividly revealed their ignorance of its working mechanism. I assume are aware of this symbolic event, will not elaborate here.

              I am surprised you are still impressed by British’s expertise in managing a multi-cultural empire. I hope Margaret Thatcher shared your faith in this British Specialty when she was confronted with Irish hunger strikes.

              On the eve of her trip to Africa, Margaret Thatcher was anxious of being hit by local protesters. Obviously British prime minister was not as confidant in her ability to handle African as you do. haha.

              UK elites DID NOT play nations like masters played chess. it had its share of stupidity. UK’s disastrously handling of Suez crisis left Its prime minister, Eden, a nervous breakdown and abrupt resignation. Prior to this humiliation, British prided himself as Greek, who can always persuade the Americans, the Romans, do what British wanted so long as Britain can make Americans believe it is their idea. It was a dangerous faith they gave up since Suez and picked up by you. And how about EEC fiasco? British prime minister Harold Macmillan who prided himself of his deft handling of De Gaulle got kicked out of EEC.

              In the postwar years, UK showed inability to manage its special relationship with America, commonwealth, ethic riots in Africa, continent Europe, etc.

              Harold Macmillan, the British prime minister, in his letter to Queen, lamented” so much attempted, so little achieved”.

              In his diary, he gloomily entered “ bed at 3 am, slept badly” . it is nothing like a political master manipulating nations. Do you have him in mind when you are boasting UK's elites' statecraft? hahah

              Would you give up reading historical fiction works by Niall Ferguson? haha

              • UK
                家园 现在英国还能不能存在都成问题了




              • UK
                家园 Flower you, but can't agree

                the opinion of this essay.

                You set up some downside examples of Britain Empire statesmen's statecraft, but the Pax Britannica is, sorry was, still here. Anglo-Saxon establishments reigned over the earth for as many as almost 400 years from 1667 when Britain navy defeated Dutch navy in the Second Anglo-Dutch War, and in the wake of it Britain had seized the world's sea power, until HMS Prince of Wales was bombarded and sunk by Japaness navy in Dec 9, 1941.

                We cant look down on such a tiger, despite it is a paper tiger, but if we neglected the TITAN, it would be a real tiger who can eat people. The Levitan once ruled all the sea routes and fatal straits and strategic areas of the whole world for hundreds years, as well as various cultures and peoples, which was the reality.

                That is Anglo-saxon empires reigned and reign over the earth, not China or Russia or French Or Deutschland. Unfortunately, but true. Anglo-saxon elites have the practiacal experiences to rule the whole world, and we have not. Should not we learn such a marvelous statecraft?

              • UK
                家园 Yay

                Finally, someone who reads history.

                Someone else should perhaps go read fantasy at Oxbridge.

            • 家园 大英帝国有辉煌的历史,可惜已经是历史



              The troubling sign is that decades after 1949, Han Chinese ruling elites (不如满族统治者)still could not handle two minority regions: Tibet and Xingjiang. Out of the national boundary, I can barely see diplomatic success of Chinese Han elites in Vietnam……


            • 家园 无统治能力这点确实赞同,盲目乐观不可取

              照这趋势发展,我相信有生之年能看见中国GDP和军力超过美国,但是统治世界确实不能只依赖武力。你说的Chinese elites接触不多河里也就忙总能算。即便是他也算是被打压的外围,没能进入圈内。所以只能说说自己对中国文化上的感觉,算是抛砖引玉吧。我觉得 that bloody cold facts 原因就是儒家根本没有扩张能力,只是个维稳工具罢啦。这点从五代十国小小的南汉还能臣越南,而宋朝却只能册封1010年祖籍福建的华侨李公蕴为交趾郡王。而且李朝并未对此感恩戴德,当李朝政权逐步稳固,越南和中国越走越远。李朝发明了自己的文字,割裂了与中国的文化脐带。忘恩负义的李朝李仁宗大举攻宋,大开杀戒,仅在邕州就杀军民5万8千余。加上之前所杀的钦廉二州人,越南所杀获不下十万,连一些和尚道士也不能幸免。连小小的交趾(此时还没有统一南越)就能让宋朝受如此大打击,北宋真把中国人的脸丢尽了。


              我们又不比西方人笨,只要Chinese elites 抛弃儒家厚德载物的思想,事情还大有可为。

            • 家园 是不如满族统治阶层






              • 家园 五族共和是民国提出来的
              • 家园 您要是方便的话,倒是指引一下怎样“迅速从根上整合进来”








              • 家园 对西方文化中比较深层的东西不屑一顾,生怕灭了自家的威风

                you speak what I have in mind. But I will not dare to say on this forum. hehe.

                Lots of 50cents are already extremely mad at me.

                汉文化也就同化同化落后的游牧民族,or 不如自己的农耕文明。遭遇工业文明连反抗的本钱都没有。一遇其他文明,不是极端自傲,根本不屑一顾,就是极端自卑(if defeated)。

                现在好不容易靠WTO 创造的第二次工业化的(last time was in 1950s)稍微日子好过了一点,就屁股翘到天上去了。

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