
主题:【文摘】一道有趣的概率题 -- 天下第一银杏树

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        • 家园 不同意你,也不同意冷眼旁观


          首先,这题是经典概率题,并且事件空间可以手工枚举,所以Monte Carlo没有用。就算Monte Carlo,你仍然面临着样本是怎么抽的问题。对应在经典概率里,就是等概率事件是怎么定义的。这个问题绕不开。







          • 家园 disagree again

            My only assumption is that the door you picked at your first try is random. It doesn't matter how the hostess picked her door (as long as it revealed a goat). Even in the second case of your understanding, my derivation would still hold.

            Some webpages have discussed this problem, and have mentioned that if the hostess had chosen her door randomly, which happened to reveal a goat, then switching door wouldn't enhance your chance of getting the car. I suspect you might have been influenced by those webpages, and I don't think that idea is correct.

            In my Monte Carlo simulation, actually the hostess also chose the door randomly, but the events in which the door revealed a car were thrown away, as they violate the constraint that the door has to reveal a goat.

            Intuitively, we can understand this problem as follows. Let event Ai = {you picked door #i}, and event Gj = {door #j, j!=i, reveals a goat}. We can verify Ai and Gj are not independent, i.e., they contain nonzero mutual information. So it's understandable that given this new piece of information Gj, your strategy can improve.

            Anyhow, if my previous analysis doesn't convince you, you're welcome to write a small program to verify it--your case 2 specifically.

            • 家园 I actually did manually list all cases. May I see your code pls?
              • 家园 my annotated MATLAB code. How about ur manual list?

                N = 1e3; % total # of runs

                % behind door # 1 is the car. This configuration is fixed, while your draws are random.

                Upick = ceil(3*rand(N,1)); % the door you picked in each of N runs.

                P_no_swtch = length(find(Upick==1))/N; % probability of getting the car if you don't switch

                SWTCH = [0, 3, 2;

                3, 0, 1;

                2, 1, 0]; % SWTCH(a,b) denotes the target door as you switch, when you have

                % picked door #a, and the host has showed door #b.

                P_swtch = 0; % Initialize: probability of getting the car if you do switch

                for k = 1:N

                host = ceil(3*rand(1)); % the host randomly picks a door, #1->#3

                while host == Upick(k) || host ==1 % this door has to be different

                host = ceil(3*rand(1)); % from your door, and it has to reveal a goat.


                NewChoice= SWTCH(Upick(k), host);

                if NewChoice == 1 % is a car

                P_swtch = P_swtch + 1; % accumulate the hits



                P_swtch = P_swtch/N;

                %% Conclusion:

                [P_no_swtch, P_swtch]

                % == [0.3320, 0.6680], i.e., [1/3, 2/3]. Therefore switching is preferable.

                本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
                • 家园 清楚了


                  while host == Upick(k) || host ==1 % this door has to be different

                  host = ceil(3*rand(1)); % from your door, and it has to reveal a goat.



                  假设二要求的是,主持人有可能在某些run中选到车,但这些情况不符合后验要求,所以在统计概率时剔除。我们要计算的是 P(游戏者换个门里面是羊|主持人开的门里面是羊),括号里|后面的这半段,就是下面successful_runs统计的符合后验的情况数。下面是我改过之后的程序。运行结果显示在这种假设下是1/2对1/2的概率。你的程序显示了另一种情况。所以两种都有可能。

                  N = 1e3; % total # of runs

                  % behind door # 1 is the car. This configuration is fixed, while your draws are random.

                  Upick = ceil(3*rand(N,1)); % the door you picked in each of N runs.

                  %P_no_swtch = length(find(Upick==1))/N; % probability of getting the car if you don't switch

                  SWTCH = [0, 3, 2;

                  3, 0, 1;

                  2, 1, 0]; % SWTCH(a,b) denotes the target door as you switch, when you have

                  % picked door #a, and the host has showed door #b.

                  P_swtch = 0; % Initialize: probability of getting the car if you do switch

                  successful_runs = 0;

                  for k = 1:N

                  host = ceil(3*rand(1)); % the host randomly picks a door, #1->#3

                  while host == Upick(k) % this door has to be different

                  host = ceil(3*rand(1)); % from your door.


                  if host ~= 1 % only count the cases when the host doesnot choose the car.

                  successful_runs = successful_runs + 1;

                  NewChoice= SWTCH(Upick(k), host);

                  if NewChoice == 1 % is a car

                  P_swtch = P_swtch + 1; % accumulate the hits




                  P_swtch = P_swtch/successful_runs;

                  P_no_swtch = length(find(Upick==1))/successful_runs;

                  %% Conclusion:

                  [P_no_swtch, P_swtch]

                  % == [0.4938 0.5062], i.e., [1/2, 1/2]. Therefore switching doesnot help underthis assumption.

                  • 家园 I see. It all boils down to the question what is Omega?

                    This can be better understood by drawing a Venn diagram.

                    In your interpretation, the case might as well be presented as follows: The hostess first pick a door randomly, which happens to reveal a goat. Conditioned on this, would you have any preference as to which of the remaining two doors to pick? Of course not, since each door would have the probability of 1/2 of hiding a car!

    • 家园 应重新选择, 概率变大 1/3 -> 2/3, Monte Carlo verified

      i. 不重新选:

      猜对汽车概率 1/3

      ii. 重新选:

      1/3概率: originally you have picked the car, after switching, you loose the car.

      2/3概率: originally you have picked the goat, after switching, you gain the car.


      Conclusion: you SHOULD switch!

      You can write a simple Monte Carlo program to verify it.

    • 家园 概率变大了(1/3-》1/2),但事件仍然是等概率的,信息量为0。


      • 家园 没这么简单,这道题很有意思的。


    • 家园 这个问题我见过,在91年的少年科学杂志上有。


    • 家园 我的问题和回答





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