
主题:这才是战略产业呢 -- 晨枫

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      • 家园 从省电角度看,将现有灯泡换成LED, 同样的钱能省得电比太阳能电池管用多了.

        维护费用也少. 国内LED生产厂家也不少


        • 家园 LED发的多是单色光 看着不舒服 有机的LED倒是有白光的 效率寿命不行
        • 家园 这是个好主意,LED电灯泡多少钱一个?
          • 家园 耗电是老式灯泡的15~50%

            Just this week (注: April 17, 2005

            ),researchers at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, said they had boosted the light output per watt of a white LED to almost six times that of an incandescent light bulb, beating even a compact fluorescent bulb in efficiency. (http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1325226,001100050011.htm)

            寿命5~10 年。价格是老式灯泡的5~10倍。 外壳强度大。运输损耗极小, 户外维护极小。


            那位能帮忙翻译下面的文章, 写得挺全。 我打字太慢。有一点:现在LED价格降得挺快, 因为中国产量比重越来越大。


            The new lighting technology would also dramatically cut electricity demand. According to a study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, widespread adoption of next-generation white LEDs for lighting could, by 2025, slash electricity consumption by 10 percent worldwide, cutting $100 billion per year from electric bills and saving $50 billion in averted power-plant construction costs. "Lighting is a major contributor to the use of electricity. Collectively we could save half the energy we use on lighting," says George Craford, chief technology officer at Lumileds. "Make lighting more efficient and the question of building new power plants starts to go away." (from: http://cache.technologyreview.com/articles/03/05/talbot0503.asp?p=1)



        • 家园 不过这联合国贷款能有多少呢


    • 家园 这个太阳能电池估计又得用日货 嘿嘿 战略性产业还谈不上吧 钱让别人赚了
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