
主题:<<李锅会战>>(九):中国杀回欧洲 -- 本嘉明

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家园 呵呵, 本大客气啦。不过





家园 然后等中国老财破了产,再低价买回来


家园 一节堵了,难道只有中国着急?



家园 PetroChina is a junky firm

with junky management team. You will understand my point when you deal with their senior and middle management teams.

I am not talking about the Offshore China Oil (Zhong Hai You) under Fu Yuchen's leadership. That one is much better.

Actually Offshore China Oil is the appropriate acquirer since there is much more synergy between it and BP (offshore and deep ocean drilling tech. China's main weakness).

家园 那十个村子都是利益攸关,都是自觉的??

You need to undertand the mentality of those pretentious Eastern Europeans and Western Europeans. The former controls the middle-joints and the latter is the end of this railway.

Eastern Europeans always put their ass on America's side(Poles, Romanians, Czech) and play the role of Trojan horse against EU.

Western Europeans: Italians and Spaniards hate Chinese so much for competition in consumer product industry (ask chinese living there); Germans and Frenchmen are mostly pretentious racists looking down upon Chinese; UK will be marginalized by this 欧亚铁路 forever. Only bloody British idiots will put money there.

欧亚铁路 is a dream, a dream of many visionary political leaders in both Asia and Europe, a dream of elite 井底望天, a dream of Ben and a forever dream of optimists. But it will never be realized.

Because of two reasons: powerful CIA and selfish human nature as documented by game theory.

After this summer, Euroland will be broken into pieces. American banks-CIA axis of global power proves its capability again in 2010.

家园 Ben, you are too optimistic

I leave my comments two floors below.

家园 算事业须由人做




家园 求您了,别用鸟语,俺四级没过。




家园 从没见过这么惊悚的比喻,忍不住双手护住......


家园 本年度最佳比喻奖候选。
家园 老马,你也太幽默了!


家园 算了,他/她未必是中国人



家园 Aglee, although the JJ part

is really scary.

家园 exactly 德法台上人脑子清的

but the problem is that both are idiotic.

Sarkozy is a womanizer+political show man. Merkel practised a policy that's selfish and short-sighted. Both leaders do not like each other (Merkel was offended several times by Sarkozy).

Euro has only two years now. German elites already start to contemplate the plan B: the breakup of Euroland into two pieces. Anyway, Euro was a political compromise offered to former French president in exchange for the support of the German unification in 1989. Germans are never 100% committed to Euro. In German's mind, Euroland should only include France, Lux, Belgium, Holland and Germany or possibly some Northern Germanic nations with solid fiscal positions.

Germans imposed the 3% (deficit) and 60%(accumulated debt) rules with clear target at Italy and Greece. They disgust people from those nations deeply in their heart.

家园 Very good insight.

Cannot aglee any more.

A friend of mine stayed in Paris for one year as an exchange student. She's pretty pissed off by the arrogance and ignorance of people there. Another friend of mine visited Oberwolfach to attend a conference held at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach -- totally ignored by waiters at a local restaurant.

The Europeans I met in the US are fairly enlightened. So I have to visit Europe myself to get a feeling of people's mentality -- not just as a tourist but probably work there for a few years.

A savvy friend warned me though: "It's fine if you just spend a few months. But if it's really long term, the only habitable city is London..."

To break any ignorance of self-insulation, I have learned to believe in three things: money, guns, and propaganda.

Cannot type Chinese now, sorry.

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