
主题:【原创】南乡子- 留美生物博后 -- 把酒酹青天

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家园 那个k99好像就是给博后的。。。。去申请吧。


家园 还要有绿卡才行吧
家园 实在不行回国从副教授混起得了,我看美国这边前景也不妙
家园 k99不要
家园 最近刚发现对门曾经老碰见的一个博后已经是北大副教授了


家园 嘛是计算生物学?咋没听过呢
家园 估计是Bioinformatics


家园 为什么是特别没有用的东西?


家园 个人的偏见而已,经不起推敲的
家园 computational biology



Computational biology is an interdisciplinary field that applies the techniques of computer science, applied mathematics and statistics to address biological problems. It encompasses the fields of:

* Bioinformatics, which applies algorithms and statistical techniques to the interpretation, classification and understanding of biological datasets. These typically consist of large numbers of DNA, RNA, or protein sequences. Sequence alignment is used to assemble the datasets for analysis. Comparisons of homologous sequences, gene finding, and prediction of gene expression are the most common techniques used on assembled datasets; however, analysis of such datasets have many applications throughout all fields of biology.

* Computational biomodeling, a field within biocybernetics concerned with building computational models of biological systems.

* Computational genomics, a field within genomics which studies the genomes of cells and organisms. High-throughput genome sequencing produces lots of data, which requires extensive post-processing (genome assembly) and uses DNA microarray technologies to perform statistical analyses on the genes expressed in individual cell types. This can help find genes of interests for certain diseases or conditions. This field also studies the mathematical foundations of sequencing.

* Molecular modeling, which consists of modelling the behaviour of molecules of biological importance.

* Protein structure prediction and structural genomics, which attempt to systematically produce accurate structural models for three-dimensional protein structures that have not been determined experimentally.

* Computational biochemistry and biophysics, which make extensive use of structural modeling and simulation methods such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo method-inspired Boltzmann sampling methods in an attempt to elucidate the kinetics and thermodynamics of protein functions.

这段基本上是准确的,就是structural genomics应该是两块,一大块是实验方法,另小一块才是这儿说的计算生物学的方法——而这个计算方法,似乎就是前面半句说的“Protein structure prediction”。当然你把这个omics给人家拿掉了,人家要不高兴的

家园 不是想抬杠,


我也覺得做計算要靠近第一線的實驗生物學家。因此盡管感覺很tough,我還是堅持留在做wet lab的實驗室里做計算。為的就是了解客戶需求嘛:) 我想,不管采用什么方法,給出一個推理或預測,一定要能接受檢驗,尤其是實驗的檢驗。

家园 同意你的看法


家园 传什么代啊




家园 哈哈
家园 其实就是刚进实验室学着帮师兄养细胞,那两个月忙了些


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