主题:【IT新闻】火狐“火”起来了,渐渐对IE构成威胁。 -- Highway
基于Open-source browsers Mozilla的火狐正在抢夺IE的用户。据最新调查表明,Mozilla为核心的浏览器已近占据了18%的市场,较一月份的8%有了巨大提高。而IE的市场则从84%掉到了75%。原因很简单,攻击IE的病毒,Spyware实在太多了,补丁没完没了。
[SIZE=4]Firefox drawing fans away from Microsoft IE[/SIZE]
Open-source browsers Mozilla and Firefox have won over a significant number of defectors from Microsoft's Internet Explorer in the past nine months, Web site metrics suggest. The gains for Firefox, which was released in a version 1.0 preview on Tuesday, and for Mozilla are most noticeable at Web sites popular by geek-chic early adopters. For example, W3Schools.com, a Web development tutorial site found that Mozilla-based browsers were used by 18 percent of its visitors in September, up from 8 percent in January. Internet Explorer use dropped to 75 percent from 84 percent in the same period. Among CNET News.com readers, site visitors with the Firefox and Mozilla browsers jumped to 18 percent for the first two weeks of September, up from 8 percent in January. The Mozilla Foundation, which develops both the Mozilla and Firefox browsers and their underlying Gecko browsing engine, has noted that downloads of the Firefox browser have doubled from 3 million for version 0.8 to 6 million for version 0.9. The group said that almost 160,000 people have downloaded the latest version of Firefox, the 1.0 release candidate. "Obviously, there was a big spike in interest back in July when there were concerns with Internet Explorer security," Mozilla spokesman Bart Decrem said. "You worry that such things are just a blip, but that momentum has seemed to continue for us." Mainstream users have not shown the same gung-ho enthusiasm for the non-Microsoft browser but have increasingly adopted Firefox, according to Web analytics firm WebSideStory. The percentage of visitors to e-commerce and corporate sites that used Firefox or another Mozilla browser grew to 5.2 percent in September, from 3.5 percent in June 2004. Meanwhile, Microsoft's share of the users shrank from 95.5 percent in June to 93.7 percent in September, according to the company. Launched by Netscape Communications in 1998, the Mozilla Foundation has not done well in its head-to-head battle with Microsoft until recently. In 2000, Netscape introduced a browser based on the group's open-source development efforts, but that release tanked. Code bloat cost the Mozilla Foundation support for its browser until it focused on producing a smaller and faster application, dubbed Phoenix, then Firebird and finally Firefox to avoid naming issues. Mozilla's software has benefited from several major security issues that have plagued Microsoft's Internet Explorer. In June, security researchers found that aggressive advertisers were using a flaw in Internet Explorer to surreptitiously install adware on victim's PCs. This week, another graphics flaw could also cause trouble for Internet Explorer users. Another factor in the open-source group's favor is that its software has some additional features, such as pop-up blocking, that Microsoft only recently added to its browser. Firefox isn't yet a focus for Martin Taylor, the general manager of Microsoft's platform strategy, who is in charge of Microsoft's response to Linux and open-source software. But he suspects it will come under discussion in coming months. "Firefox is creeping up, getting more attention," Taylor said in an interview on Wednesday.
IE和Windows OS紧密相连,第三方软件和IE在Windows平台上拼比确实有些不利因素,这是无可奈何的事实!
Firefox浏览器异军突起 微软IE面临严峻挑战
【八阕】 http://www.popyard.org
【八阕】据网站分析人士分析,在过去6个月内,有为数不少的微软浏览器用户纷纷倒戈,转投开放源代码浏览器Mozilla和 Firefox的门下。 【八阕:PopYard.Org】
本周二,Firefox又推出了1.0 升级版。而Mozilla则一直以来受追求时尚的网迷的追捧。据Mozilla为用户开设的一个叫 W3Schools.com网站的调查显示,今年1月,使用Mozilla浏览器的用户只有8%,而今年9月猛增至18%。而与此同时,微软IE用户则从84%跌至75%。
在 CNET News.com上网用户中间,使用Firefox和Mozilla浏览器的用户从今年1月的8%升至9月的18%。
The Mozilla Foundation,专门研发Mozilla、Firefox浏览器和壁虎搜索引擎,近日宣布Firefox0.8用户为300万,而 Firefox0.9用户猛增至600万,番了一番。而且现在还有16万用户已下载Firefox1.0最新版,准备使用这种浏览器。
Mozilla公司发言人Bart Decrem称,“很显然,用户受今年7月微软IE浏览器安全漏洞事件的影响,开始寻找其它更加安全的浏览器。尽管增长人数不是很多,但是这种趋势对Mozilla来说是一种福音。”
1998年,网景通讯就发布这种浏览器,但是同微软的较量中一直处于下风。2000年,网景又开发出一种基于开放源代码的浏览器,但由于种种原因而胎死腹中。后来,Mozilla 基金组织调整策略,研发灵巧而快捷的浏览器,先后推出Phoenix、Firebird、Firefox等产品,并初尝胜果。
现在,Mozilla浏览器尚未引起微软高层的足够重视。微软负责平台战略的主管马丁-泰勒称,未来几个月内微软会专门开会讨论Mozilla问题,“Firefox 正在悄然前进,它已经引起了越来越多的重视。”
Tabbed Browsing就不说了,是netscape/mozilla系列的老牌特色,对我已经不可或缺了,看新闻/图片时刷刷一口气点开来几十页在后台自动调入,多爽。不过好象现在有些以IE为内核的浏览器也在模仿这个了。
Popup Blocking现在也不算希奇了,很多工具有。
下面这两个新特性倒是没料到的,特别是RSS feeds,看新闻/weblog很有用,省得我装其他工具了。
# Security improvements: the new release provides additional protection to users against spoofing attacks, the practice of tricking users into believing they are on a trusted site when they are not. When a user visits a secure site, Firefox now highlights the web site address and clearly displays the name of the web site. Firefox also includes a number of other security improvements and fixes, several of which were identified as part of the Mozilla Foundation's new Security Bug Bounty Program.
# Live Bookmarks, which help users discover a new dimension to the web by allowing them to create bookmarks that display dynamically updated content such as news headlines. Live Bookmarks let users view RSS feeds, a technology that web content providers use to easily create and disseminate news headlines and summaries. RSS feeds are offered by thousands of sites, including Yahoo News, BBC.co.uk, CNET News.com and most weblogs.
也要提一下对应的email client,Thunderbird,其中的垃圾邮件过滤器是我现在见过的最好用的和准确性最高的。头几天有一个training的过程,手动纠正了几个,后来到现在就从来没分错过。比我们server端的spamassassin强多了。背后所用的技术,其实还只是machine learning中很粗浅的东西,所以,我对战胜spam信心很足。
微软什么时候能赶得上?看看它的hotmail吧,该删的不删,不该删的倒删了。而且,做web mail的本来应该有一个天然的优势,因为垃圾邮件都是群发的,所以他们那里判断垃圾邮件应该尤其容易。真不知道他们脑子怎么长的。
就现在而言,攻击Mozilla的Virus/Spyware还不多。但如果有一天它成了IE这样的Big Player,也许就会引起Hacker们的注意!