主题:【讨论】对总经理述职报告的部分内容的简单解读 -- wqnsihs
下面忙总说的没错, 执政者要的是危机到来的时间、危机传递的路径和危机展开的方式,而不是一直的唱衰派。但这一次美国次贷危机伊始,对中国如何影响,我知道中国至少有一个人是预言得相当准确的:世经所的余永定。包括中国后来提出的SDR等等之类应对,据我所知也是他一直在推的。不知道现在上层能听他多少,是仅仅择其战术而用之(这个我们已经可以看到),还是进一步听其战略。
yes, thumbs up.
中国不缺人精, but China lacks professionals and professionalism.
Huawai's Ren started the consulting contract with IBM Consulting since 1999. Its current framework is mainly copied from IBM. 10 years of effort with millions of dollars and lots of internal opposition. That's why Huawei is so professional now.
Huawei is more like SONY, sounding like a Japanese firms, but is actually an American firm.
ZhongXin is a joke. Since my former classmate worked there as an executive, I heard too many funny stories about this firm. In sum, a "Tu Ba Lu" firm. You can not even find senior executives who can present a product solution to foreign clients in fluent English, with professional PPT. Deeply in heart, people there dislike HaiGui.
actually a finance 金融 professor, with speciality in corporate governance/ownership in Asia.
He is not an accounting expert, actually, therefore, not 是个财务出身.
In China, accounting is mixed into 财务. Outside China, accounting and finance are totally different.
BTW, his analysis of several scandalous firms focuses on complicated ownership structure--that's actually his area of expertise. Lots of tricks used by Delong has been used by European and Asian family businesses for long long time.
I lived in Europe for a while. That's why I have high regard for his analysis.
GM and Chrysler filed bankruptcy, not Ford. You need to get facts straight first.
Second, they failed not because of standardized operating procedures--they failed because of heavy burden induced by the unionized workers and bureacratic senior management.
Keep in mind, one unionized American auto worker costs $74 per hour, while a Chinese GM production line worker costs much less per hour. IF AMERICANS HAVE THE SAME CHINESE LABOR RATE, GM US WILL NOT bankrupt at all.
A LOT OF CHINESE FIRMS EXCEL IN THE EXPORT MARKET NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR productivity or superior management. They have only one weapon: extremely low labor cost. That's it!
BTW, for small firms, Standardized Operating Procedures are waste of time--costs overweigh benefits. For large-sized firms, that's the backbone of any successful enterprise. SOP are appropriate only for large-sized firms.
看电视,前几天Chairman Hu在珠海去一家职业学校,和一个德国老头聊,印象中这个德国人就来自一家这样的培训中心。