
主题:美国WASP统治的衰落? -- 晨枫

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家园 Anglo's 以法治国进行同化与秦朝制度类似, no

Anglo's law is decided by a council(first group of noblemen, later lawyers or group of clergies), while Qing's law is decided by one single man, Shan Yang and his king.

Anglo's law derives its power from CONSENT, while China's law derives its power from COERCION. 但是却多了很多温情--it is the symptom, not the substance. The key difference lies in its origin.

As I said before, Anglos are good at 3E. Not one single Asian nation knows how to employ these 3E to rule an effective empire, that's why Asians can never rule today's global world.

家园 韩国的也许是‘师长’‘军长’

Commanding general of (South Korean) 9th Infantry Division


Commanding general of 6th Corps;


家园 3E原则充分体现于Ponzi Game



家园 Can we say ...

Anglo's disdain towards Germans are no more so than that towards Scots, Irish?

家园 I assume

We're talking about Yu Shiyu's essay. Apparently that's the current topic of Chenfeng and I.

家园 ya, the order goes like belo

Greek-Polish-Italians> Irish>Germans>Scots.

Based on US history between 1775 to 1960s.

家园 that makes sense
家园 不准确



家园 以人口算不是很多吧


家园 说的是

北德和低地国家是新教的老根,比英国还早呢。再加现在英国王室是House of Hanover,和德国更加亲近了。征服者威廉是荷兰来的,所以那边也亲近。反而法国的布列塔尼和诺曼底曾经是英国的地盘,被法国人多回去了,气很不顺。

家园 thumbs up. You know better.
家园 你的意思是盎格鲁是一种主义,而不是一个民族标签?


家园 两者在起源于本质上的区别并不重要




不过话说回来,就制定国家政策来讲,我不认为一个人制定就比一堆人通过投票来决定效果差。这也是我为什么认为“its origin”不重要。事实上我们可以看到,很多投票结果是很随机的。投票的好处其实是定下一个方向,然后立即着手干,避免陷入空谈误国不干实事的局面。



家园 I am not interested in

theoretical comparison. Chinese rule by law is not the same as the Anglo's rule of law. Same in wording, but totally different in substance.

I just need to point out that as soon as China entered Han dynasty, "rule by law" from Chin(or Qing) was totally discarded. From Han to the last Qing dynasty, China was ruled under Confucius moral guidelines for almost 2,000 years. "rule by law" has little root in China, in the past or now, because "rule by law" is NOT reached by consensus, but by violent force--its order lives by force, and its vitality is limited.

English "rule of law" tradition started from the Magna Carta movement in the 12th century. Even king MUST bow down to the law and some kings even got punished with their blood shed. This rule of law tradition has been living by more than 800 years and is still vibrant in all Anglo nations.

In the British museum, the most important national treasure is now a vase, or a gold decor. For Anglos, it was their first signed Magna Carta.

家园 see my comments


--At the beginning, it was a group of people sharing certain physical and cultural characteristics. Over time, this group expanded by including more non-Anglo members. I do not use the term 主义, because the way people talk/behave/think/dress can not be summarized as 主义--主义 is a oriental term, culture is a more appropriate term.

3E原则就是勾引,勾搭,公平?? Are you sure your translation is correct??? Embrace as 勾搭? Expand as 公平---I was so shocked... by your dictionary.


--假如某个民族也用3E原则发展强大, culture seldom changes and culture is difficult to replicate, brother. You live in China and could not see the vitality of China's own culture. If you read book about Chinese 100 years earlier and compare with today's China, you will be surprised to see the similarity between now and then.

Overseas Chinese might admire Anglo's cultural success, but do not expect average domestic Chinese to change to adopt those Anglo practices.

--假如某个民族也用3E原则发展强大,把原生anglo民族砍翻在地. It has not happened before. As I said, it is NOT easy to replicate. Can China replicate the "meritcracy" from American society? Do you see meritcracy there in China??? BTW, many Chinese know meritcracy is good for their society and attribute west's success to it, but have you ever seen China shifted in that direction?


--Britons never WANTED TO let America go independent.美国独立 was won by violence. I think we all know that--it is in the history book. In order to protect the 13 English colonies in today's northern eastern USA, Britain fought a bloody and costly "7 Year's War" (also called French Indian War in USA) to fend off French colonists. North America almost fell into a totally French world...(Chinese books often failed to cover that).


--US revived and rebuilt Anglo culture as it grew into a more powerful empire. British empire collapsed after WWII.

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