
主题:美国WASP统治的衰落? -- 晨枫

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家园 英国人对德国观感变差

actually in the early 19th century, since Germans were much poorer than Britons, they were looked down upon by some founding fathers for economic reasons. I found such comments when I read Ben's biography. Language is another factor.

BTW, many German Americans in PA were former Hessian mercenaries employed by the British empire. They were defeated by the continental army and many of them settled down in PA.

Of coure, flee from religious persecution is also an important reason as you mentioned here.

In Halifax museum (Canada), I also found negative comments from British governer against German immigrants in the 18th century. For them, the negative feeling was purely driven by economic reason.

家园 人生短短几十年,每个人都需要选择

if you are in States, then you have already made your choice.

Your success is largely determined by the macroeconomic shift in your environment.

是不是一定要变成WASP的一员才能获得足够的wealth and power

--I do not think so. You can establish your own IT firm and be a millionaire through IPOs.

The difference between WASP elites and Chinese elites: the former gives you enough space of prosperity even if you are not one of them; the latter, much more difficult.

Or put in another way, the former shares the cake of prosperity with non-members. The latter shares the cake among itself.

Do not touch their political power, none of these two groups share power.

家园 做了什么样的选择?

choice of process or choice of fate?

所谓的sell an IT firm致富,很大可能也不得不通过你原文里说的think like a WASP and act like a WASP来实现的。在北美这个市场里想取得竞争优势,不守规则是不行的。但是,这个过程就足够让每个成功者都心甘情愿的变成WASPized banana么?我不认为3E总是完全有效。


Establishing economical prosperity without matching political power is always dangerous. You can find your niche, but you can never become one of them.

家园 well, there are gay Anglican

well, there are gay Anglican priests now, so ...

家园 WASP do not care

这个过程就足够让每个成功者都心甘情愿的变成WASPized banana么?我不认为3E总是完全有效。

--I never claim that it should be effective. There were German Americans who finally chose to serve for Hitler rather than his own nationa too in the past. It is purely a matter of choice for individuals.

Just be blunt with you: they do not care if you are not 心甘情愿.

WASP elites are the smartest and brightest elites in the world, based on my life observations in various Asian, European and American countries. If you were in Europe/Asia, you would face less 3E, but more exclusion and expellation.

我不认为3E总是完全有效--while if you refuse to accept their way, there are many other Europeans waiting in the doorway to be part of the system. Just like the current G2 relationship, if Chinese do not want to be the cheap labor provider, American multinationals can switch to other competing Asian nations. Chinese need to find either new external demand or stimulate their domestic demand before breaking this G-2 relation.


--okay. hehe. Good luck. WASP elites share wealth not because they like to, just because American havenots have voting power and rule of law dating back to Magna Carta of 1285 to protect them.

You are too optimistic about human nature and China.

家园 是吗?

呵呵,也许太乐观的是你。Good luck to your lifetime observations and I wish they would continue to be right.


家园 勇攀科学高峰为荣为乐的年轻WASP, yes

very few. It is related to their family education.

Finance/law/public services are their traditional choices.

家园 also American catholics are

quite different from European catholics.

They often paid lip services to Roman instructions, but showed much respect to the pope. The percentage of Catholics that use condoms is not different from other protestants.

BTW, the dislike between protestants and Catholics are more subtle in New England. Both sides will share their "stories" with you on the dinner table only when you are really close to your American Catholic and protestant friends.

The inflow of Asian population, and rise of atheists or liberals allow Catholics and protestants to overcome their limited differences and start to embrace and tolerate each other--just like Chinese before the Japanese invasion. Before that, Chinese usually live in each regional communities and discriminate against each other (e.g., shanghai in 1930s). Then the Jap came and bombed and killed any Chinese no matter whichever is your regional accent.

So in the end, all kinds of Chinese with all kinds of accents finally gave up their regional bias against each other and formed the identity of "Chinese". In sum, foreign new threats help to calm the internal division. That's it.

犹太人的收入高是从欧洲中世纪就存在的现象。犹太人不准从事其他职业,只好经商--should be "finance/banking" only,再加上犹太人重视教育,犹太人的收入自然就高,不是现在才有的事。

--yes. They are EXTREMELY CARING about education. MUCH MORE THAN Chinese. Jewish students are my best students.


--ya, that's the benefits of 3E. The elite group needs to have long-term vision and tolerance: be capable of tolerating other minorities eating your jobs.


--Then EuroAsia nations could not manage themselves and ended up in brutal wars again and created more big mess later.

比如荷兰,十七世纪是世界霸主,现在的国际政治影响几乎为零。但是现在荷兰人的生活水平幸福程度应该是远高于那时的。如果一百多年之后美国的情况和现在的荷兰类似,我觉得 WASP没有什么特别不满的。

--thumbs up for your smart vision.

家园 check a few things

1. family name

2. family history

3. parents socioeconomic status

4. one's high-school name

5. one's university name

6. one's own political/social/economic achievement

7. previous working experience/positions

8. current association/club membership

9. status of opinion leader in his or her industry cycle.

Sometimes you can even judge by how they dress. They dress differently, very differnt from Frenchpeople, Canadians and mid-land Americans.

家园 flower for the last sentence

儒家学说和基督教学说 is used to maintained family order and social harmony. You do not treat your enemy with those guidelines.


--today's american empire, yesterday's Han empire and its contemporary Roman empire all played the same card.

Chinese are smart and have already pointed it the substance.

家园 如能举例则更加感谢
家园 hehe, 美国是否会沦落到二流国家?我看会

i notice that this viewpoint is shared by many Canadians, including these social elites.

But not by Canadians who live and work for several years in States, esp., among professionals.

BTW, Canada and America are in the same boat. A down-and-out America will hit Canada accordingly. Canadians enjoyed some benefits (such as the economy of scale and new innovations, the current global free trade order maintained by American military power) from its closeness to the top level in global hierarchy.

Therefore, I have a hard time to understand why English-speaking Canadians (I can understand Quebecois because they could have built up a French empire in the whole North America and unfortunately lost out to the cunning General Wolfe) will expect an American decline and the collapse of Anglo-Saxon-Pax-Americana global order. As we agree before, Canda-America are effectively one single country. Your expectation is clearly against your own interests.


--America can always shut off its door. Do not underestimate the isolationism among American rednecks. Americans shut off its domestic market to Europe in 19th century, it shut off to the europe in 1930s when Europe fell into crisis.

Americans/English-Canadians only care about their own interests(unlike French Canadians). Free trade or not, it is the interests that they truly follow.

家园 谢谢你找的原文



家园 同意


家园 How do the Jews educate

their children? I'd like to hear more details. One thing that I worry about is that fewer and fewer families in China care about the education of their offsprings nowadays, especially among the younger parents. Many parents also neglect the patience and some knowledge on psychology to be good educators.

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