
主题:阿桑奇和中国 -- 晨枫

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家园 阿桑奇:在中国,权力害怕言论自由

Julian Assange:

The west has fiscalised its basic power relationships through a web of contracts, loans, shareholdings, bank holdings and so on. In such an environment it is easy for speech to be "free" because a change in political will rarely leads to any change in these basic instruments. Western speech, as something that rarely has any effect on power, is, like badgers and birds, free. In states like China, there is pervasive censorship, because speech still has power and power is scared of it. We should always look at censorship as an economic signal that reveals the potential power of speech in that jurisdiction. The attacks against us by the US point to a great hope, speech powerful enough to break the fiscal blockade.

关键词(Tags): #维基(jingmian)
家园 Assange很搞嘛

怎么对欧美都失去信心了。“Western speech, as something that rarely has any effect on power, is, like badgers and birds, free.”

家园 Coz I'm scared of countless

grasses. Leftists rule here. LOL

家园 Didn't know Assange ever

mentioned China directly.

But as he is totally against power in closed cabin & up for openness, it's a no-brainer how he would think of China's administration. :-)

家园 so there is no reason why ..

Assange would withhold leaks that are detrimental to China. My original thesis still holds, then.

家园 也就是说,阿桑奇没有理由对中国网开一面


家园 不知道所谓的“料”是什么意思



家园 料就是surprising,significant an

料就是surprising,significant and credible。我们不在研究wikileak的历史,“已经”不是我们关心的问题,而是这次。我还是没有看到有什么“料”,也就是说,没有使人惊讶而有credibility的东西。

家园 No way Assange would be

intentionally holding any leaks about China with China's interest in mind. But it could be the case that China is of a less priority to the western world, hence the delay.

家园 这个世界本来就是我们看到的样子而已



家园 I don't think China is not .

I don't think China is not as "interesting" or significant to those who dislike China. As far as "evil empires" go, US and China are neck and neck to the extreme liberals, and China often times more so. I still think it is just because there isn't much explosive stuff to leak.

Manning has access to all State Department communication that is available on SIPRNET, which is available to not just US forces in CENTCOM, but PACCOM as well. That is, State's communication on issues relating to Taiwan, Korea, etc. is also at Manning's finger tip, and can potentially be included in his Lady Gaga DVD.

家园 那就是说,wikileak存在与否都无所谓


家园 当然是非常严重的




家园 Assange还是很看重中国的

你看这段文字中,和西方democracy相对比,他top of mind讲出来的就是states like China

家园 Assange could very much

be, since he has a noble pursuit in mind. Even in this case, it's not a very good way..

What I mean is ordinary people. Strong culture, backed by the nation's strong power, is the precondition for attention.

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