
主题:阿桑奇和中国 -- 晨枫

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家园 My thought is..

First of all, I said "could be the case", not "must be the case". :-)

It's not about westerners like China or not, but care or not. I'm talking about average people. For a rough example, of the two topics below, which one do you think more likely appears on China's news circulation?

* David Beckham's hair style change

* The corruption in Syria

As I see it, the wikileaks is more about letting people see what their governments are cooking in the dark. It's more about what people (mostly English readers) would like to see. Not to mention most Chinese are not even able to access wikileaks thanks to the censorship.

家园 btwn Beckham and "evil China

UK readers may care about the former more. However, this is apple and orange. Unless you talk about tabloid papers, "evil China" can appear in front page but Beckham's hair style does not belong there. Which do you suppose average western readers care about more?

家园 My example was that

average Chinese care more about U.S./Europe than Middle East. By the same token, average westerners (not just British) would care more about Beckham's hair style than what's going on in China. This is where we diverge. :-)

This is changing as China grow stronger over time, but not yet as much as most Chinese think. Also it depends on where you are to realize that. Don't want to go too long, coz it's not the topic of this thread.

家园 English people have

been anti-U.S. for long, on too many things. It's the English government that has been taking side with U.S. for the nation's best interest.

家园 老E随便写写也是精品贴呀!!!
家园 可以去国外bt网站上看看那些文件啊,可以下载的


家园 【讨论】


家园 尊驾是何人,敢给薄三安排工作?IWGL难道是


家园 historian--big picture man.

History often repeats itself. Human natures are still fundamentally the same, even generations later.

家园 说得真明白,谢宝!

送花成功,可取消。有效送花赞扬。恭喜:你意外获得 16 铢钱。


家园 确实灰常严重





家园 说得正是, 把这层表面的一团和气给弄没了

陆克文这样的就如同被扒光了衣服, 下次再有看到他, 他也许其实真的满脸堆笑,可你还是觉得他没穿衣服, 而且,他也很可悲,因为他自打这以后,真的认为自己没穿了..

这..这..这..让人情何以堪啊..."让人家以后怎么做人啊"? 羞煞奴家了啊...

家园 看来瑞典是真开放。当初去芬兰,怎么就没挪一下步呢?呵呵
家园 好图!
家园 赢家通吃是中国传统



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