主题:【原创】顽强的阻击 -- 大众河蟹

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家园 已经不重要了


家园 请不要走题

〉〉You seem to believe you could control the price by buying and selling in the paper(future) market.〉〉


1,就事论事,事情已经发生(刘short),我们讨论如何解决。您也提到短期没机会cover, 只有转仓。焦点是你和老成都认为不该long黄金去hedge,可现在从效果看,并没有亏。至于长期黄金和铜哪个更适于避险,甚至投资,可以争论,我也不想说服你,我是宁要黄金。打击投机者,不管牛市熊市,你该做的什么时候都要做,国储肩负的任务不是您任何一个小trader可以比的,时机嘛,当然重要,但现在形势比人强,人家都掏家伙了,您还有机会选择吗?



家园 您这是什么?



家园 这样就好


家园 说说我的看法





家园 on gold hedging

You and I disagree a lot but that's just opinion. I did a little research on your gold hedging claim. I am using Goldman Sachs Excess Return index. From Oct.1 2005 to Dec.14, gold is up 7.67% while copper is up 18.39%. See it doesn't work at least till now. I highly doubt it would work in the future.

家园 Not sure why you pick Oct.1, anything good that date?

We all know that the Chinese GOV steped in around mid Nov.

Anyway, we will tell over time.

家园 俺是外行

但是炒过股票,有过没止损而硬来结果被Margin call


short on copper, long on gold,极有可能两边都作


家园 An Interesting Story

I have an interesting story to share.Jesse Livermore,a legendary trader in the 1900s once got trapped in a similar situation as 国储. He was holding a huge short position in Oak that he couldn't get out. The market was turning against him and he was desperate. Then he figured out that trader A was cornering Oak and pushing Oak up against him. And the same trader A is also pushing Wheat up against trader B who is a powerful businessman. Now Livermore had a plan. Instead of trying to push down Oak directly. He started to attack Wheat. His aggressively selling caused the wheat to drop quickly. As expected once the traders saw wheat plunging, they thought trader B was determined to break the corner in Wheat. Naturally they thought B is also going after A in Oak. So they started to sell Oak as well. Now Oak also started to crumble. Livermore took this opportunity quickly and covered all his shorts for a net small loss. This is a narrow escape as very soon oak started to risk again. Had he not covered he would be killed.

I am thinking maybe 国储.could learn something from this story.It's reasonable to assume that the same traders who are screezing 国储.in copper are also heavily long in Zinc Lead or Aluminium etc. If instead of trying to push down Copper directly, 国储.attacks these traders in other base metals. Once the speculators realized 国储.is determined to break their corner in other base metals,and also 国储.might have enough copper to break their copper corner, they would panic and run. Copper will plunge and 国储.might be able to dig itself out the hole.

家园 说句外行话,






家园 中国好像连钨砂与焦炭的价格都控制不了


家园 是不是合乎标准的产量不够大。期货市场上浮动的只是制成品。






家园 spot copper dropped to 4090,three month

contract simply dropped to below 4000.

I guess they simply covered all the short.

By the way, gold dropped to below 500, they must cover copper if they long gold at the same time.

家园 Game is over for this round!
家园 It's just a guess, I do not follow the metal market.
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