
主题:请教关于美国大萧条时间对老兵讨薪事件的镇压 -- krone

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        • 家园 原来有错误是不能批评的。


            • -- 系统屏蔽 --。
            • 家园 太好了





                • 家园 NHK的片子我看过,Mike Wallace的访谈我看过



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    • 家园 直接到《光荣与梦想》开头那儿找




    • 家园 记得当时是、麦克阿瑟镇压的
    • 家园 Need some research

      Sorry I cannot type Chinese now.

      I found a book on Amazon:

      The Bonus Army : An American Epic

      One of the readers wrote about this book:

      ..General Douglas MacArthur, years before he became famous in World War II, commanded a cavalry charge, one which involved his aide Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the saber-wielding Major George S. Patton, as well as tanks, machineguns, and teargas bombs. It was a charge in Washington DC in 1932, and it was against an enemy army of 20,000 US military veterans, and their families, and it was quite serious and even deadly. Patton urged his troops to use their bayonets: "If they resist, they must be killed." This was despite the presence among the veterans of a former soldier who had saved his life in World War I. The details of the charge, what lead up to it, and its eventual beneficial aftermath are told in _The Bonus Army: An American Epic_ (Walker Books) by Paul Dickson and Thomas B. Allen. The Bonus Army, while not unknown in American history books, is largely forgotten and is greatly misinterpreted as being part of the Red Scare of the time. There is fine research here and dramatic recollection of events that fully justify the book's subtitle. ...

      I don't own the book so cannot tell if it's useful to your question. But in general, such events could be buried in dust and the best way to dig out the truth is to look into some academic literature, like Jstor. Also, American universities' history courses can often provide vivid details.

      Years ago, I had a book about American military history, you may also find some details in those books.

      Good luck and let me know if you find the needed referece. And you can even write an article on that. As a rule, cchere encourages research and conscientious efforts to recover historical truth.

      关键词(Tags): #Bonus#Army
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