
主题:帮朋友改的一份 Cover Letter. 也请大家多提 -- 煮酒正熟

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  • 家园 帮朋友改的一份 Cover Letter. 也请大家多提


    这个贴起因于帮一位好朋友修改 cover letter. 他是技术出身的管理人员,英语口语很好,但商务八股文章方面没有接受过严格训练,所以他发出的 cover letter 存在不少问题,一定程度上会降低他得到面试机会的概率。所以俺就尽己所知,帮他改了一下。修改稿中肯定有不足之处,一方面囿于在下本身英语和商务八股的水平,另一方面也是因为对那位好朋友所从事的工作非常陌生。所以这里想请有经验的朋友多提建议。您们的建议会帮助我的朋友(他也上西河),河里其他在英语国家的职场中打拼的兄弟们也会受益良多。在下这里为自己,也替他们,道声感谢。


    下面先贴出朋友自己写的 cover letter:

    Dear Martin,

    I came across your job posting of that Software Development Team Leader - Embedded C++ position in BBBBB, and I am very interested in this position.

    I got my Master of Science Degree from University of XXXXXXX in year 200X, from Physics and Electronic Engineering Department. Before that,I studied in Computer Science department in University of XXXXXXX as a graduate student for one year. I also have my bachelor of Engineering degree from University YYYYYYY of China in 19XX, from Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Sciences.

    I have more than eight years in embedded programming, and till now most of my platforms are 16-bit or

    32-bit microprocessors, such as ARM7, ARM 9 or TMS320c31. These many years, served as R&D manager and Technical director, one of my daily tasks is to manage engineering in my team to accomplish our mission on schedule, and to solve the problems they faced. I also have years of experience worked in transnational companies, so I understand how to communicate with different people with various culture-backgrounds. C and MATLAB languages are most used in my working for several years in XXX (an English-speaking country) and Hong Kong,and Audio/Video signal processing is the key-point of baby-monitor and Digital camera, that are both my responsibilities in my R&D time.

    Attached please find my resume that summarizes my skills and accomplishments. I will be glad to provide referees contact information at your discretion.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.




    下面是我改过的 cover letter. 有一些修改原因我放在文中了。文中还有一些建议。

    总体来说也有一些建议:我觉得以你目前的情况,很可能需要两类职位一起申请,一类是纯技术性的,另一类是偏技术但也带有一定管理色彩的职位。这两种情况需要完全不同的 cover letter. 前一种要努力突出你的技术优势,而完全不要提及自己从事管理工作的经历和经验,否则只会降低自己被接受的概率。第二种自然应该管理和技术都有所涉及,但侧重点也可以根据具体情况进行调整,有些需要突出技术多一些,有些则需要较为平衡。不太建议一上来就做一份纯管理或者重管理而轻技术的工作。

    Dear Martin,

    I came across your job posting of a Software Development Team Leader - Embedded C++ position in Brisbane, and I am very interested in this position. (这一段请注意定冠词的使用)

    I have years of experience as R&D manager and director, leading and supervising a team of engineers and technicians to complete projects and deliverables that are critical to corporate mission, in a timely and quality fashion. With proven records in managing the team to resolve technical issues and provide technical support and services to internal and external clients on a daily basis, I have worked closely with business teams to build a group capability to improve product-to-market process and strengthen company’s overall competetiveness in the market place.

    (主干部分我做了较多修改,力图将管理和技术分开来说,一段管理,一段技术。这一段是管理。我增加了一些内容,如果哪部分你觉得不妥或者缺乏这方面的经历、编不出故事来支持,请予删除。一个重要原则是:只要你在简历中出现的内容,你就要有充分的事实准备(很多情况下都需要自己编段2分钟能说完的小故事),所以如果你对某方面缺乏事实准备,最好就不要让它出现在简历上。比如我加入的这个 product-to-market,如果你缺乏相关经历也无法编出故事来,那就拿掉。

    我去掉了那段 transnational 的内容。因为这部分东西比较苍白,对任何一个应聘者的职业竞争力的价值都极为有限。这个东西可以在面试的时候一语带过,也不要很认真地强调什么。否则会适得其反,人家会认为你没有其他太强的方面,所以在这种无关紧要的方面使劲强调。其实招聘者从你的简历上就能看出你在不同国家地区都有过职业经历,会很自然地推测你对不同文化背景具有较强适应性。自己刻意突出和强调既无必要也会适得其反。

    另外,建议在可能的情况下量化你对公司做出的贡献,如果有具体 dollar amount or RMB amount,最好,比如你所领导开发的新技术产品进入市场后销售量、利润率,公司市场份额的改善,等等。)

    I received my Master of Science Degree in Physics and Electronic Engineering from University of XXXXXXX. My technical background and experience includes embeded programming, C and MATLAB, and Audio/Video signal processing, which is the key to baby-monitor and Digital camera.

    (我去掉了你在国内受教育的部分,以及国外那一年 computer science 的就读部分。这些可以在面试中一语带过,但不宜在 cover letter 中过份渲染。

    也去掉了关于my platforms are 16-bit or 32-bit microprocessors, such as ARM7, ARM 9 or TMS320c31.等部分,因为这些内容或许太过具体了。Cover letter 需要提供一些具体信息,但具体到什么程度,是需要仔细拿捏的。如果申请的是纯技术性工作,哪怕过于具体一些也问题不大,但当申请带有管理色彩的职位时,过于渲染具体技术细节,容易给人主次不分的印象,令自己的整体形象减分。)

    Attached please find my resume that summarizes my skills and accomplishments. I will be glad to provide referees contact information at your discretion.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.



    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 十分感谢热心人



    • 家园 甘蔗渣文學滿賽!






    • 家园 老酒的理解有偏差,TEAM LEADER一般是几个人


    • 家园 Cover Letter

      基本上最重要的几点你和楼下的朋友都已经说了。Cover letter的目的是要highlight简历里的一部份(不是全部)内容来引起hiring manager的注意,所以cover letter的要求是:


      2、必须有针对性,highlight的内容一定要和job posting里的要求符合,如果申请的工作和现在的工作不一样的话这点尤其重要。所以resume可以一稿多投,cover letter几乎不可能。

      3、用词(包括语气和技术细节)一定要简单易懂,因为读cover letter的一般都是HR或head hunter,他们对你的专业很可能不熟,所以一些关键词或内容的说法和job posting越接近越好。

      4、就像你说的,能量化的东西一定要量化。如果job posting要求三年的工作经验,cover letter里面一定要说清楚你在有关领域做了几年。这类信息不一定能从resume里看出来。

      5、语气要professional。你朋友的原信太口语化,改过后的好多了。还有称呼最好不要用first name。和recruiter熟了以后可以再改。

      6、Cover letter还可以用来说一些不能放在resume里面的话,如要求保密、和最方便你联系的时候、解释resume里的空档(如果有一段时间即没工作也不在学校里),等等。

      我用你的几个关键词在网上找了一下,找到了一个比较接近的job posting(包括联系人Martin都对上了):Software Development Team Leader - Embedded System


      Dear Mr. Sharman:

      I came across your job posting for a Software Development Team Leader - Embedded Systems position in Brisbane, and I am very interested in this position.

      I have had more than eight years of experience as a software developer, technical director and R&D manager. I have used C/C++ to develop software used in a wide range of applications, such as audio/visual processing in digital cameras and baby monitors. I have also managed teams of up to XXX engineers, planned and coordinated each team member's work on a daily basis, and drove issue-resolution efforts to ensure that our team would deliver quality work products under sometimes severe time constraints...<可能还要加几句其他的经验以符合job posting里的各种要求> The applications my team have developed were often critical to the success of the final products, I am very proud of the quality of the work products which my team has delivered.

      Because of the successes I have achieved in my career, I believe that I am a very strong candidate for this position. My resume is attached my resume for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



      • 家园 问题:不知HR名字的用

        Dear Hiring Committee:吗?



        • 家园 Subject应该是job title

          至于收信人的名字,我一般都尽量找到人名,这也是是表达你对这个工作有兴趣的一个方法。如果实在没有办法查出来的话只好用Dear Ma'am or Sir。

      • 家园 心狠手辣



        Given the successes I have achieved in my career,


        Given the successful career path I have achieved(built) over the years,

        • 家园 会有问题吗?

          那个job posting是一个head hunter贴的,不是真正的雇主。我google到这个job posting用的关键词全在原版cover letter的第一段里,主要是为了能有一个job description来当个目标。这个问题不大吧?如果酒兄觉得不好请个短信,我把这个改了。

          我觉得你的第一个改法很好--Given the successes I have achieved in my career...

    • 家园 根据骨头龙等兄弟的意见,做了二次修改,


      Dear Martin,

      I came across your job posting of a Software Development Team Leader - Embedded C++ position in BBBBB. I am very interested in this position as it gives me an opportunity to best utilize my technical and managerial skills in the software development arena.

      With four years of experience as an R&D manager and director in XXX industry, I have lead a team to launch eight products to the market and increased revenue by 15% on a yearly basis. I believe my proven track record of success combined with an updated technical skill set would make me a strong candidate for the position.

      Attached please find my resume that summarizes my accomplishments. I will be glad to provide referees contact information at your discretion.

      I look forward to hearing from you soon.


      XXX YYYY

      (注:没用 the best match... 而换成 strong candidate for the position,是因为感觉前者有点overkill. 推销自己时的尺度拿捏确实比较有挑战性... 这里再次感谢骨头龙兄弟提出的修改意见)

      • 家园 建议


        我对某职位感兴趣。我是最合适人选,因为有多少多少年的相关经验, blahblah(从job requirement里面找)。


        从某年开始到现在,做了什么职位,取得了什么成绩(还是查job requirement)。这些成就保证我能够胜任新的工作。



        另外,team leader的定位,老成都说得有道理,我觉得应该更偏技术点。你再看看job requirement吧。

      • 家园 建议

        不要用I came across your job posting ...,这好像正好碰上看见了一样。索性直截了当:I am writing to you regarding to your job posting on ...。


        I have four years of experience as xxx.最好再加一两句长于接受挑战,work well under stress和善于team work之类的套话。strong candidate改称I believe I can contribute strongly to your organization based on my proven track record of ... 那个不是referee contact,直接就用reference就可以了。referee是体育比赛的裁判。

        cover letter不要花俏,要直截了当。这是出售自己的包装,关键要人家一眼就看到为什么你和别人不一样。切忌把cover letter变成缩短的resume,最不要看的就是这种。cover letter里和经历有关的浓缩到对方招人的主要目标上,所有support evidence都留到resume里。

        • 建议
          家园 Referee的原意类似仲裁者


      • 家园 啊,这个好多了。


        可以当作 cover letter 的 template 用了。


        1. 数字不用英文。

        2. experience 用复数,experiences。

        3. increased revenue by 15%,改成 INCREASED REVENUE UP 15% ,加下划线。

        这些一般来说,这不合英语写作规范,但合 business writing 的规矩。如果申请大学教授,不能这样干。

        但是,申请企业技术和管理职位,时兴这个 style。

        这个Martin看来不是个女士。若HR manager是个女士,结尾部分要用点女士习惯乐见的赞美吹捧的词汇和句子(不能太多)。



        • 家园 一些看法

          experience一般都是不可数名词,没有复数。experiences只用来指特定的事件,如:I have had two memorable experiences while I was in school(我在上学时有两段记忆深刻的经历)。这里I have had more than four years of experience显然不是在说任何特定事件,所以必须用不可数名词experience。

          还有“increase revenue up 15%”语法上和感觉上都不对。用到up的地方一般都是标题,如“Retail Revenue Up 10%”,这里up被用来作动词。但是在“increase revenue up 15%”里已有了动词increase,就不能这么用up了。再说这是cover letter里句子的一部份,不能用标题的写法。

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