
主题:帮朋友改的一份 Cover Letter. 也请大家多提 -- 煮酒正熟

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          • 家园 您说得没错。



            有兴趣的河友可以参考一些 Franklin Quest Covey 出的材料,包括现在有些大学开的课程,找 Effective Business Writing 的 Title, 可能会有些帮助。

      • 家园 一些用词上的建议

        1、“it gives me an opportunity to best utilize my technical and managerial skills” -- best utilize只能在作比较的时候用,如I chose to major in XXX because this field best utilizes my strength in YYY。在申请工作的时候还没有到可以挑选的阶段,所以我觉得用“it give me an excellent opportunity to”或“it gives me an opportunity to fully utilize”会更好。

        2、“I have lead a team to launch”--have lead应该是have led

        3、“referees contact information”应该是“referees' contact information”,不知道澳洲的习惯是否不一样。

      • 家园 这个已经写得很好了



      • 家园 挺不错的了。


        With four years of experience as an R&D manager and director in XXX industry, I have lead a team to launch eight products to the market and increased revenue by 15% on a yearly basis. I believe my proven track record of success combined with an updated technical skill set would make me a strong candidate for the position.

        1. with four years of experience,指用experience来干什么,拉队伍研发8个新产品是利用自己已经有的four years of experience,还是过去四年里我带队研发8个新产品,获取了experience? 如果是后者,不妨试一试下面这句,不过我个人觉得有点太文绉绉了。

        Being an R&D manager and director in XXX industry for four years, I have led a team to launch eight products to the market...

        2.increase 和谁并列?这是你朋友发出的动作(那是和led并列)还是他领导的小组发出的动作(launch)?不过这是小问题,一看大家都明白。

    • 家园 我来试一试:几个小问题


      University of XXXXXXX.

      通常是 the University of XXXXXXX.

      My technical background and experience includes embeded programming, C and MATLAB, and Audio/Video signal processing, which is the key to baby-monitor and Digital camera


      前面的部分不是同类,最好不要并列。根据上下文,引导这个非限定定语从句的部分 Audio/Video signal processing很重要,就应该放在最前面。而这个which 引导的句子应该突出。最后,baby-monitor and Digital camera应该为复数。

      referees contact information

      referees‘ contact information?

      • 家园 兄弟的建议很好。感谢


        referees' 是传统的表达,但现在referees 应该也可以了

    • 家园 我跳出来说两句

      这篇cover letter最大的问题,是没有突出成绩,没有成绩如何评价你的过去的工作,和你是否胜任现在的工作。Cover letter不是resume,resume上有的尽量缩短,如学历啊,自己会什么样的计算机语言什么的。

      曾经看过人力资源部的人看简历,cover letter加resume也就15-30秒,学历啊什么根本不看,重点就是过去的履历和取得过什么成绩。所以一定要突出重点,做到一目了然。

      • 家园 多谢老寞




    • 家园 老酒,感觉是大哥的信.


      ...I have coordinated with Business Development to make a team effort to improve product-to-market process and strengthen company’s overall competetiveness in the market place...

      有点强调团队中team lead的用意,不过老酒改后的美语味道太浓,是否适合当地的语境?

      • 家园 俺改过的太文气


        coordinate 是实事求是的、比较精准的措辞,已经被雇用了、开始工作了,就应该这样说,但在cover letter里不知是不是偏软?在推销自己时似乎可以显得自信主动一些。当然也不宜overkill

    • 家园 直来直去的建议

      cover letter做的三件事:

      一、如懒厨所说“重点就是:为什么我match你这个职位。要明白,网上申请,很容易受到几百分简历,如果Cover Letter太长,容易被人忽视。”


      第二是简单明了,特别是别用长句子。第一个看cover letter的是HR,大公司里的专业HR平均screen一份简历的时间是55秒。太复杂的句子他们看着累,太艰深的内容他们看不懂。


      I have 8 years of experience as R&D manager and director in XXX industry. I have launched 18 products to the market successfully during that period. So I am very confidential that my experience makes me the best match for this position.


      这个是个很讨巧的东西喔。HR当然喜欢真心对工作感兴趣的人,而不是随便乱丢简历的job shopper。而且这个东西一般你在简历里面也无法体现。越真诚、越personal,效果越好。当然也可以顺便吹一下自己的能力。比如:

      I am very interested in this position because it gives me the opportunity to utilize both my technical and managerial skills.




      Dear Martin,

      I came across your job posting of a Software Development Team Leader - Embedded C++ position in Brisbane. I am very interested in this position because it gives me the opportunity to utilize both my technical and managerial skills.

      I have 8 years of experience as R&D manager and director in XXX industry. I have launched 18 products to the market successfully during that period. So I am very confidential that my experience makes me the best match for this position.

      Attached please find my resume. I will be glad to provide referees contact information at your discretion.

      I look forward to hearing from you soon.


      XXX YYYY

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