
主题:欧洲将死,G-2当立! 立此存照 -- parishg

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家园 欧洲将死,G-2当立! 立此存照


Long Live American Dollars!

Pax Americana-Chinois Empire!

This time, the wave started from Greece will flood all PIIGs (except for Ireland, thumbs up for Ireland) and then hit France and Germany.

THIS CRISIS WILL LAST FOR A WHILE. American hedge funds have started a final attack: let's feast the flesh of those PIGs!


1. Austria lent agressively to Eastern Europe--most are now European subprime loans. In Q4, 2008, the Lehman-induced global capital reflow back to USD results in a total collapse in the Eastern Europe. Austrian banks' problems have been covered up in the media.

Austrian banking crisis ignited the WWII and resulted in the German crash in 1932.

As Rumsfield said: there is known unknown, but there is lots of unknown unknown.... Remember butterfly theory?

2. If PIGs need to drop out, there will be a period of introduction of new currencies, as well as banking system switch. All PIGs nationals will want to keep their Greek/Spain/Italian Euros in German Euros. There will be massive capital flows into and out of the core nations.

The breakup of Euroland is really unimaginable process and ALL CORE NATIONS will experience dramatic increase in currency circulation and then dramatic decrease in currency circulation.

That will be THEIR MOST VULNERABLE PERIOD and Americans will not give them an easy breathe, unless Euro becomes a totally nonconvertible currency--which naturally will hit its reserve currency status.

3. Big unkown--keep in mind, many mid-east oil money is now in Euro. If they panic and withdraw, there will be huge capital outflow--very bad.

1997's Asia was full of cracks(trade inbalance, free capital flow, high-growth, real estate bubble, banking speculation) , today's PIGs have exactly all the symptoms. If I were George Soros, I would attack from ITS WEAKEST link. It was Thailand then, it is Greece now. Gradually, Asian/European banking money will also participate into this Fleecing.

The worse thing in Europe: unions are so strong that nobody wants to sacrifice for their own nation's fiscal balance. Greeks will go on strike, Portugals are in the process; Spaniards are the next.

Fiscal incredibility

+ Let-us-die-together-public-sector unions

+ Selfish German/Frenchmen who refused to help

+ an EU that's dysfunctional without a federal treasury function

+ Welfare payment dries up due to budget cuts

+ Unemployed restless young muslims who are appeased by the past welfare payment.

+ American/British strategiest & vulture hedge funds who are thirsty for the flesh and who failed to crack open China

= ?

I always believe that the death of Lehman was totally a conspiracy of Paulson and Bernanke. For Bernanke, ECB has been an annoying threat for years.

Let's wait and see whether my predictions are accurate or not.

本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 大胖子沙发
家园 没那么简单



家园 in terms of public

administration, today's Greece is just a third-world country. It is a democratic parliamentary nation--people will not swallow the harsh fiscal policy easily. If they swallow, the current gov. will not be stable too.

Same problem in Spain and Portugal.

By pushing up national bonds yields of both Portugal and Greeks, Anglo-American vulture funds are slowly destablizing these countries' credit market as well as social order.

Germans are fighting back now.


I read the Economist article before. Let time decides whether my predictions are right or not. When it comes to war and financial warfare, Germans are no match to their Anglo-Saxon brothers.

This fight will last for a while.

家园 同意你对欧洲的预测,他们进入泥潭了,想出来得脱层皮


家园 是三足鼎立,还是G2,更符合中国利益?


家园 当然是三足鼎立最好,中国人玩三国演义那是骨灰级的


家园 希望老欧们比脱层皮再多脱一点;这些家伙的日子一直过得


家园 欧洲弥漫着一股腐烂的气息


家园 现在的美欧中, 就像85年时候的美苏中


家园 现在的美欧中, 就像85年时候的美苏中
家园 最多就是我的预测:如果有第三次世界大战,战场还是在欧洲




家园 地中海到红海之间?



家园 不过,估计打不起来



家园 大胖子,我太葱白你了


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