主题:【原创】管理案例分析:权力的真相1 -- wqnsihs
1. 如果是技术骨干,可以先肯定他的成就,让他对核心技术和生产流程做一个全面的总结文档。然后说服他去从事后继产品,或者新品研发。明确让他与老产品脱离,把老产品留给其他人。一般干技术的在结束老课题后还是应该乐意去搞新的,只要思想工作做的好,不要让他以为是赶他走给后来的人摘桃。
2. 如果是生产,运营方面的骨干,他们的特点是善于在工艺流程上创新并打开市场,而不是守成与拓展,那么可以请他们去新建其他企业
3. 对于实际没有很强能力,但又参与创业的人,可以安排虚职。
Buddy, you clearly do not understand the American academic system.
First, post-doc is not a degree, contrary to perception of most Chinese.
Second, post-doc in chemistry/engineering/biology does not mean that this guy knows management or operation.
Third, post-doc=incompetent Ph.D. graduates who can not find industry or professor jobs.
Inside management schools, post-doc=LOSERS.
Fourth, your friend might never studied for long time in the American university. Some Chinese scholars just spent gov. money working in some professor's lab. They are cheap labor employed by US professors.
I met many post-doc with non-US degrees before: they do not have enough time in States to really get exposure to American culture, management. Most of them speak poor English.
I hope you find such info helpful.
If somebody spent 5-6 years in States and get a Ph.D., then that guy really learned a lot and became expert in his or her subject field.
While post-doc means NOTHING. It is a title used to fool Chinese.
--you see: they behave exactly like those American bankers who screwed up several giant banks. This chairman was DAMAGING NATIONAL INTERESTS to achieve his personal political agenda.
For any enterprise, profit is the only thing that the managers should care--- of course, it is long-run profit, not one-quarter-based profit.
出口创汇as the measure--is the legacy from the 1980s when China was extremely short of hard currency to purchase overseas technology.
The backwardness of performance measure induced STUPID BEHAVIOR among extremely CUNNING Chinese.
When we talk to Chinese management, do not listen to their lip service--THEY ALL SOUND LIKE patriots, JUST LOOK AT THEIR DECISIONS and evaluation system.
It is called cost control. Everyone must respect that. Accounting and finance department are there to control those managers.
Your stories just showed how poor the overhead control is inside the Chinese enterprises.
Back in 1920s, inside GE, any expenditure above $25,000 MUST BE SUBMITTED TO the board to approve. President's authorization is below that number.
At the same time, there are several subcommittees inside the board that supervise the finance, operation, purchase function of the VP--the whole purpose is to monitor and constrain the president, to avoid stupid error and cost overrun.
Remember that system is there for over 90 years.
BTw, 15 years when I audited one subsidiary inside the group firm of 李嘉诚, I notice that the bylaws make it very clear: CEO can only approve expenditure blow RMB 10,000. Any expenditure above that number will be AUTOMATICALLY TRANSFERRED TO THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE by president's secretary.
President can not control his secretary since secretary is recruited based by independent HR department.
That's modern-day check and balance and professional management.
the opposite.
小高尔文--is not competent CEO and he does not get that job with his own competence, but by his bloodline. Under his reign, the firm is corrupted by cronyism. He was surrounded by many ass-kisser executives.
Wall Street had many negative stories against his family.
The next CEO bets on very limited range of models. The razor thin phone is a big success and the CEO took a fat bonus and left.
See graph between 2003-2005.
Then whole pipeline dries up.
why competent finance/accounting managers are so important and crucial for those enterprises.
I still remember when I chat with a CEO of one major oil firm many years ago back in China. The whole chat was about more increase in production volume and to beat last year's record.
No one sentence on current market price, distribution channels, distribution costs and PROFIT...
15 years later, still the same culture.