
主题:【原创】美国人打仗怕死吗? -- 晨枫

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家园 花!同期待
家园 我感觉美国步兵没有战术性任务,


家园 那里面没什么富人高官子弟,人都是开战斗机的


家园 细细想想,楼主还需要理清概念和思路




家园 老布什,肯尼迪家老大


家园 Re: 美军现在的招兵难也不是你所想像的...

Great point. The following is from a letter of a soldier explaining why joining the army. The time was 2007 when the economy was still rosy,

...I have a number of reasons I wish to join the Army and commit a period of my life to military service. I believe it is the obligation of every patriot to take a turn, as their fathers and grandfathers did before them, in defending the interests and freedoms that we enjoy here in the United States. Once Gen. Schwarzkopf was asked in an interview where his sense of duty came from; he replied “It's the sense of duty that keeps you going sometimes when things get very, very rough. Somebody's got to do it. And if you don't, who will?” I think he worded that perfectly. It is the brave people who stand up when there is a pressing need that deserve the most honors. I am also related to or acquainted with a number of veterans of major conflicts and I admire the courage and pride they get from their time spent serving in the military during their lives.

I believe that I might be provided a chance to bend my will and my intellect into military service I will be a credit to the service. It is my intention to try to be the best soldier and patriot that I can be. I wish to provide by example what excellent things a person can accomplish when they are dedicated to a cause that they believe in and are willing to work hard. I believe the military takes your blood sweat and tears and provides you discipline, strength and pride in return and I would like to be a part of that...

Cannot promise it is perfectly authentic but there seems no point for someone in US faking anything like this.


家园 Re: “容我抬杠…”

That is some point. However, my overall point is that the rich in US is just as patriotic as all people in this forum.

Anyways, I cannot really find the stuff about casualties by social classes for the whole War on Terror. Fortunately, the Iraq conflict seems to be a trustworthy source of benchmark. Allow me to quote “… At the same time, in these wars the top three deciles by income suffered only 25 percent, 26 percent, and 23 percent of the casualties, respectively…” (the three wars refer to Korea, Vietnam and Iraq) While the numbers do show the top brackets suffer less in the wars than the lower ones by 10%, 10% and 15%, they by all means demonstrate that Americans still have the encourage to sacrifice to some level at war time regardless of social classes.

I am not trying to say I am absolutely right and/or the numbers are 100% accurate. I only provided some information since you asked and “抬杠”is rather not something I fancy. :D If I offended anyone anyhow unintentionally, my apologies.

Good luck and have fun.


家园 对冒险家而言,死是一种风险,而且是calculated




家园 同感,所以最勇敢的TG从来没有刺客,也不靠特种兵
家园 美国富人和上等阶层回避参战是从越战开始的


家园 很多时候制度设计往往不是出于“故意”






家园 志愿军空军出战前,训练损失了两百多架飞机
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