

注册:2008-10-30 20:54:54


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2013-05-04 08:42:01分页 全看 树展
🙂种植园土是老江湖,国内外的事看得多了。 ↑22 ↓0
兄弟在二线城市,经济冲击会来的晚些,你以后就明白了。 经济发展必经历浪潮,在大降与大升的浪潮面前,每个人不过是蚂蚁。 种植园土 and I moved to North America and we can see all kinds of data about the worl ...
2013-01-30 00:50:47分页 全看 树展
🙂we are both insiders. ↑6 ↓0
2013-01-27 20:05:55分页 全看 树展
🙂Hank only told his side of ↑8 ↓0
story. We can not fully trust him, the tycoon in this mafia society of bankers. del
2012-12-29 17:04:40分页 全看 树展
🙂世界各国的前途问题---就是大家会不会都进入拉美化 ↑20 ↓1
GREAT QUESTION! I admire you for going directly to the most important question, rather than wasting time on race/ethnical ones. My answer i ...
2012-11-07 20:20:09分页 全看 树展
🙂Greece for sale希腊 ↑15 ↓0
私有化--looking for the next Bigger fool from China, haha. http://21club.21cbh.com/2012Active/investgrc/ 希腊500亿欧元资产私有化专项推介暨投资希腊峰会 2012年10月16日, ...
2012-09-14 17:30:48分页 全看 树展
🙂creative accounting can not ↑8 ↓0
cover up everything. Fundamentals play out in the long run. E.g., Chrysler was acquired by a PE fund and it finally went BK during the crisi ...
2012-08-30 11:37:47分页 全看 树展
🙂not exactly, technical note. ↑21 ↓0
Napoleon destroyed Egyptian cavaliars more than 40 years earlier than the 1850s invasion. He used tight formation of army+三段击。 Main problem ...
2012-08-19 18:54:23分页 全看 树展
🙂在中国,不做任何事,天天捣浆糊 ↑42 ↓1
永远不得罪人的那是大好人,不会有人骂的。你看有多少人批评Li 月月鸟的?至今还有多少人记得骂人民银行原行长李贵显的? When 李 was the central bank governer, China's USD/RMB exchange fell to almost 1 t ...
2012-08-23 20:42:19分页 全看 树展
🙂我没有说美国 ↑17 ↓1
或加拿大是完美的,now or in the past or in the future,事实上100年前的美国比现在凄惨的多,大多数的改进只是在过去60年里发生了。 BTW,first, it is always great to chat with you for some ...
2012-08-21 15:21:12分页 全看 树展
🙂Just a few comments,公道话 ↑46 ↓0
correct some, and agree with a few comments. you may not understand the audit industry. 只不过洋大人在外国的时候还知道有所收敛,做做样子。到了中国,受到黑猫白猫最高指示的熏陶,那可不是如鱼得 ...
2012-03-25 13:48:07分页 全看 树展
🙂on 说实话我很奇怪中国政府既然建立了个人帐户,为什么还 ↑14 ↓0
说实话我很奇怪中国政府既然建立了个人帐户,为什么还要自己画蛇添足去管理? --nothing surprising. --It is called nominal pension account system: you contributed money, gov. accru ...
2012-03-13 12:09:03分页 全看 树展
🙂as to Romney ↑49 ↓0
1. campaign talk can not be trusted. Rommney is famous for flip-flopping. 2. when you really sit on the chair of the president, you have to ...
2012-01-10 20:14:41分页 全看 树展
🙂some added comments. ↑47 ↓0
1)为什么JFK能当选? 一,新教和天主教是同源于基督教。天主教罗马教廷相对更加反犹,但在美国的天主教徒还比较温和。所以WASP是勉强可以接受一个天主教徒为总统的。 --first, America was a racist society before 1960s, for s ...
2011-11-08 16:03:29分页 全看 树展
🙂同文同种 apply to Jews and Arabs ↑6 ↓0
too. haha. It is very funny that shared language can help avoid conflicts. Limited resources+overpopulation are two key reasons for all co ...
2011-11-04 22:21:15分页 全看 树展
SPEND YOUR USD RESERVES TO BUY ANYTHING WHICH CAN IMPROVE AVERAGE CHINESE'S LIFE. Paper money has no economic benefits for average Joes. I a ...
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