
主题:【原创】美国人怎么退休? -- 倥偬飞人

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  • 家园 【原创】美国人怎么退休?





    很多人都觉得有社保什么的,可以不用操心退休的事情。可惜往往事与愿违,哪个国家都会出现社保入不敷出,甚至挪作他用的情况,陈良宇下马也与这个问题有关。加拿大的所谓CPP(Canada Pension Plan),据说迟早要破产。



    Bernanke: Baby Boomers Will Strain U.S.

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday the burden from retiring baby boomers will strain the nation's budget and economy, unless Social Security and Medicare are revamped.

    "Reform of our unsustainable entitlement programs" should be a priority, Bernanke told the Economics Club of Washington. "The imperative to undertake reform earlier rather than later is great."

    It was his strongest warning yet about the potential perils and tough decisions that will confront the United States with the looming retirement of 78 million baby boomers. Bernanke did not recommend any specific changes, however, that Congress and the Bush administration could make to entitlement programs.

    President Bush once made his efforts to overhaul Social Security a centerpiece of his second-term agenda. But those efforts sputtered last year due to resistance from Republicans and Democrats alike.

    Bernanke said that as the population ages, the United States will have to choose among higher taxes, fewer dollars for other programs, lower spending on entitlement programs, and a sharply higher budget deficit -- or some combination of all those.

    Government spending for Social Security and Medicare alone will increase from about 7 percent of the U.S. economy to almost 13 percent by 2030, and to more than 15 percent by 2050, he said.

    "The fiscal consequences of these trends are large and unavoidable," Bernanke said.

    The government had a budget deficit of $319 billion last year, which the White House believes will fall to $296 billion this year.

    Shoring up the finances of Social Security and Medicare will make for difficult choices, Bernanke said.

    For instance, if the government tried to finance projected entitlement spending entirely by revenue increases, the taxes collected would have to rise from about 18 percent of the total size of the economy to about 24 percent in 2030, he said.

    If the government attempted a fix through spending cuts, spending for programs other than Social Security and Medicare would need to fall sharply -- the equivalent of "a budget cut of approximately $700 billion in nonentitlement spending," he said.

    With an aging population collecting Social Security and Medicare benefits, he said, it will "create severe fiscal challenges, as the cost of entitlement programs rises sharply."

    Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, said he welcomed the Fed chief's message, even if it's not new.

    "I don't believe Bernanke is telling anybody in my profession something we don't know. The federal government has on the table essentially unsustainable promises to the aging population," Prakken said.

    Bernanke did not discuss the future path that interest rates might take in his speech or his brief remarks afterward.

    Fielding questions, Bernanke said a "substantial correction" was taking place in the housing market. He estimated the housing slowdown would trim about 1 percentage point off economic growth in the second half of this year.

    But the fallout from the cooler housing market should be cushioned by other positive factors, including good job creation and income growth, Bernanke added.

    The Federal Reserve's next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 24-25. Many economists believe the policymakers will leave rates unchanged for the third meeting in a row.

    With the economy slowing, the central bank in August decided to halt -- for the first time -- a two-year campaign to boost interest rates to fend off inflation. Policymakers suggested the cooling economy eventually would lessen inflation pressures.

    There has been relief on the inflation front as once-surging energy prices settled down. Gasoline prices, which topped $3 a gallon in summer, slid and now average $2.31 a gallon, the Energy Department said.

    Bernanke welcomed the recent drop in energy prices, but said that Fed policymakers will keep an eye on inflation, which "is still above what we would consider price stability."

    Bernanke also said he and his colleagues would try to improve the central bank's communications to Wall Street and Main Street. Bernanke, a respected economist who spent much of his professional life in academia, took over the Fed from longtime chairman Alan Greenspan in February.

    "It is a sobering experience," Bernanke said of his eight months on the job.

    • 家园 从来没有救世主,一切只能靠自己



    • 家园 现在公司的退休金都改define contribution了

      我进公司的时候,还是define benefit,后来改define contribution的时候,花我们说后者如何好,我们可以convert,结果没人convert。哈哈,我们不都是傻瓜。


      • 家园 听说cpp现在就已经入不敷出了


        • 家园 其实我觉的CPP入不敷出是正常现像,现在对这个情况的恐惧有些过份



          • 家园 入不敷出是否正常,要看具体数据



    • 家园 商榷一下


      很有可能的是把Social Security私营化,就是让大家自己管理Social Security去买mutual fund去。

      • 家园 未必需要加税



        • 家园 正是所谓sovreignty default



          • 家园 也不必放弃美元地位也能这么干



      • 家园 布什还能干两年



    • 家园 花一朵,再请教兄一个问题~



      • 家园 pension是过去的事了,现在都没有了

        pension是私人公司提供,基本有两种,一种是defined benefits, 说好了退休以后有多少一个月,一种是不说好的,基本上都是年报上会计报数造假的工具,因为公司万一倒闭了,或者投资失利了,这些所谓的pension随时泡汤。其实大部分现在还提供pension的企业都是历史遗留问题,无以为继,根本无法实现承诺。

        401K是私人的,是IRA的一种,一般大公司都会match一部分,自己贡献最初的5-6%,公司以1:1的比例额外贡献,你可以自己管理,也有公司规定某些基金管理。私人也可以自己贡献退休户口,品种很多,以Roth IRA比较普遍。


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