
主题:【原创+文摘】免费的Google Maps Naviga -- 正宗鲁皮皮

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家园 【原创+文摘】免费的Google Maps Naviga

首先看一看谷歌最近新推出的Maps Navigation的简介:

Google将在Android 2.0中集成一款名为“Google MapsNavigation”的软件,虽然是第一次做GPS软件,但是可谓来势汹汹:拥有交通流量、街景,甚至语音搜索。试问一款只要说说话就能为你导 航的GPS软件,地图还免费,加上Google Maps本身就具有的一些功能,这叫其它GPS软件厂家怎么活啊?


Google新的Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0革了其它导航设备厂商的小命,其中的佼佼者Garmin和TomTom的股票开始大跌,Garmin股价猛降16%,瞬间损失12亿美元,而 TomTom更是猛跌21%,股价滑落到8.11美元。天呐,Google Maps Navigation目前仅仅只是可以运行于Android 2.0系统的手机,而且首款Android 2.0手机摩托罗拉的Droid才刚刚在同一天由Verizon发售。相比TomTom给iPhone做的要价50-100美元的导航应用,在完全免费 (*)的Google Maps Navigation上可以说是完败。

Google Maps Navigation仅仅是Android 2.0系统里的一个应用,但它将Google的诸多技术整合在一起,包括Google Maps,Google Street View、语音识别、交通流量、卫星视图和强大的搜索,想想你只需要对着手机喊一句“离三里屯最近的必胜客”,手机就会一步一步的告诉你该怎么走,并在地 图、卫星图甚至是街景图上显示出路线图,是一种怎样神奇的体验?

Google Maps Navigation当然不会只限于Android系统,但Google Maps Navigation for iPhone能不能有还要取决于Apple的态度了。TechCrunch建议Google能屈尊在下雪天脱光光含泪361度转体俯卧撑跪求Apple能允许Google Maps Navigation进入App Store免费下载,我认为这个建议很靠谱!

通过CyanogenMod事件, 我们可以看出Google自有知识产权的Android应用并不能说是完全免费的,手机厂商需要为此付费给Google,当然如果山寨厂商通过非法手段将 未授权的Google应用也集成到Android系统里,那就是另外一回事了。Android系统确实免费,但不包括其中Google自有知识产权的应用 程序,这当然也包括Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0。

还有命更苦的, 大家可以看一看这家公司,http://www.telenav.com/。Telenav对于一些河友也许还比较陌生,但在北美的同仁有些应该已经知道这家公司了,在智能手机上跑的一个导航服务就叫Telenav,其简介如下:

Get turn-by-turn driving directions by voice and onscreen. If you miss a turn TeleNav will automatically reroute you.

Find whatever you need wherever you are. Locate, call or navigate to rated and reviewed restaurants, hotels, ATMs, Wi-Fi hotspots and more from a directory of over 10 million businesses. No more expensive 411 calls.

Avoid traffic jams with real-time traffic alerts and intelligent rerouting.

Pre-plan trips online at My TeleNav. And by downloading an Internet browser plugin you can easily save addresses from any Web page to your phone.

Get automated updates of full-color 3D maps and business listings.


TeleNav files for $75 million IPO

November 2, 2009 — 10:21am ET | By Jason Ankeny

Location-based solutions provider TeleNav filed plans with U.S. regulators to raise as much as $75 million in a proposed initial public offering. No estimated timetable for the IPO (managed by JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank Securities) was disclosed. According to the filing, TeleNav's voice-guided navigation service boasted more than 11 million paid subscribers worldwide at the end of Q3 2009--operator partners in the U.S. include AT&T and Sprint.

The timing of the TeleNav IPO is somewhat surprising given that the filing follows just days after web services giant Google announced the pending launch of Google Maps Navigation, a free turn-by-turn navigation app debuting on its Android mobile operating system. "Obviously, we like the price of free and consumers like that as well," Google CEO Eric Schmidt said during a preview of the service, adding the company can figure out how to make money from the product later. Many pundits are now questioning the continued viability of premium navigation apps like TeleNav, or at least casting grave doubts about their current monthly subscription-based models.

For more on the TeleNav IPO:

- read this Reuters article


Did Google rush its announcement to block TeleNav, or did TeleNav rush its IPO to block Google?

Probably both. TeleNav’s public S-1 filing with the SEC today has a lengthy Risks section that includes this clause:

“Google recently announced that it would offer free voice guided, turn by turn navigation as part of its release of Google Maps Navigation for mobile devices based on the Android 2.0 operating system platform. Competition from these free offerings may reduce our revenue and harm our business.”

The company’s currently in a quiet period after its IPO filing, so they’re not able to comment. But here’s the question I’d like to ask the founders and funders: Had you known Google would launch today, would you still have started TeleNav?


1. 谷歌地图导航(Google Maps Navigation)对卫星导航芯片的生产厂家影响不大。除非它能不用卫星导航芯片。而众所周知,基于TOA的成本低廉的定位方案早已有时,但卫星导航芯片依然有自己的优势。





家园 为什么帖子名字显不全?

原名为“免费的Google Maps Navigation及其影响”

家园 sprint早就有自己的导航软件了

就是数据流量要收费,好像一月10刀--对于everything included得用户好像免费。

家园 Sprint 的导航服务就是Telenav提供的。

It says on the site that Sprint's navigation app uses Telenav as a back-end

家园 不好意思,没仔细看贴


家园 标题名字超长了吧


家园 没办法,08年到现在有一年多的IPO空白期。

TeleNav Inc., which makes audio and visual enhancements for location-based mobile phone service, has upped its VC intake by more than 100% with a $30 million Series E round of funding. The round, led by new investor Menlo Ventures, brings TeleNav’s total funding to roughly $50 million.

TeleNav Secures $30 Million in Private Funding; Menlo Ventures and Lehman Brothers Venture Partners New Investors in Latest Round, Further Strengthening TeleNav's Leadership Position in the Wireless LBS Market.

Business Wire | March 1, 2006

TeleNav files for $75 million IPO



家园 这玩意在中国成功不了。



家园 Google的城市地址数据




家园 楼主您的书什么时候印刷上市啊?

我对里面的思路与算法很感兴趣,能多讲些Map Service方面的东西吗,我想试试手机方面的地图应用。

家园 iphone 的地图,有北京市的实时流量数据



家园 del
家园 del
家园 del



反正我们这里新建的楼盘GOOGLE MAP上都找不到,我相信GOOGLE


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