
主题:Mark Buchanan的科学时评 I 写在前头的话 -- witten1

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家园 "一个从未被系综平均表现出来的点", very gd

1. conventional, macro, non sr statistical physics, conventional 热力学, and their various versions of brownian motion, langevin equation, etc, all tell us that in general:

"动力学体系对时间的平均可以等价于系综平均" works very well in physics, and that is because 系综 in general and its components in particular,are all approximating the way macro and non-sr phyiscs model models "predicts", with 熱力學漲落, but 漲落 "收斂" per our above assumptions based model

so basically, "当代信息论的基础", "许许多多正在进行的事都是在有限的时间内发生的。当然这时候也得看这些体系内的特征时间尺度了,如果这个特征时间尺度很短比就几个纳秒,那么是可以很好的认为一天对这个体系来说就是无穷长了"


2. 非平衡态体系 are all over the places too, pain in the a...

and you are right, "这里作者的说法有欠缺,应当是平衡态体系,对非平衡态体系,不能这样做"

where does 非平衡态 comes from? not from outside (and there is no "outside" here) of 系综, all 能量交换 have been included in the model, again, macro level, non-sr;

so, if we remove some of above model's assumption, then most likely, 动力学 behind 非平衡态 comes from "non-sr, macro qm", with 熱力學漲落 and qm 漲落, possibly all mingled together, sometimes 收斂 and sometimes not 收斂, and sorry for my broken and strange languages of both english and chinese combined.

But we don't have breakthrough in "non-sr, macro qm", not even in theory, we are still stuggling with qm apps in a way, and compared to "non-sr, macro qm", qft in that sense is relatively less difficult, because qft does not bother itself with macro, gr, etc, 鸵鸟.

and because the lack of "non-sr, macro qm" type physics, math guys get excited and "figured out" all kind of models, and" breakthroughs", parameter or trick based, and therefore with very limited applications.

3. QH


if someone can figout 相干性 in conventional 热力学, or some kind of qm 热力学, that would be a big breakthrough, and it would be very hard to achieve in physics, I think.


But somehow, social "QH" has been there since the beginning of the "class struggle", and its varous contemporary versions still working today, and the consequent "class-based" 信息论 and value 论 , and their apps, etc

"然而也正是这个假定的失效区分了在博弈问题中的“时间”平均和“系综平均"!经济学家们长久以来一直依赖于系综等价和时间平均,假定他们所处理的概率自然会有这样的特点.然而包含在多次博弈中的倍增过程必然不是遍历的--一旦在其中一步破产了,你就永远出局了,停在财富为零的位置, 一个从未被系综平均表现出来的点。(后面一句评论关于状态空间的在这时就是“结果”组成的空间,但是过于专业,我就不写出来到)"

"一个从未被系综平均表现出来的点", he is pretty good.

and during the next 系综 phase, everybody is still "equally rich".

In physics, "点"破产, big deal.


With the progress of science and technology, the "dirty"part of social "QH" should more of 收斂 pattern, "long term" wise, short term, more of 漲落, my guess.

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